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Promoting Road Safety Among Georgia Employees

Every day, thousands of drivers navigate the roadways of Georgia for the purpose of carrying out their employment duties. Delivery drivers haul items in their trucks. Sales professionals visit potential clients. Even nurses sometimes drive in their employment capacity—particularly those who provide home-based care for their patients. When these drivers cause car crashes, the results can be tragic for everyone involved. Those physically involved in the accident may be killed or severely injured, while the driver’s employer may have to endure substantial financial losses through one or more liability claims.

If you employ workers who must drive as part of their duties, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) provides advice on promoting safe driving practices among your employees and protecting your bottom line. According to this federal agency, employers pay more than $60 billion each year for the cost of medical care, property damage, legal fees, and decreased productivity due to automobile crashes.

Ideas for encouraging safe driving practices among employees in Georgia

By implementing some of these tactics, we hope that employers can help lower the devastation of automobile crashes:

  • Education opportunities. A driver safety education program can prove extremely effective in raising awareness of roadway dangers and how to prevent them. Bring in speakers to present real world scenarios and discuss the severity of driver negligence within our society. Present information about the dangers of distracted driving, which is a common practice among traveling workers who may constantly use cell phones or navigation systems. Make efforts to communicate your company’s concern and commitment to safe driving habits.
  • Incentive programs. Employees like incentives. Develop a program where safe driving habits are rewarded and recognized within the company. Monetary awards or special privileges can be effective methods for the creation of a safe driving culture.
  • A written policy. Create a written driver safety policy that details your company’s expectations and rules regarding employment travel. OSHA suggests that this policy be given to each employee and also posted throughout the workspace for added awareness. Your written policy may include safety belt requirements, alcohol and drug use prohibitions, and other clear, enforceable policies.
  • Disciplinary actions. When employees act outside of the safe driver guidelines and cause a preventable vehicle crash, it is important to have a disciplinary policy in place. This not only works to hold the offender accountable, but also sets an example for other drivers within the company.
  • Accountability for government regulations. Vehicle safety regulations are in place for the safety of everyone on the roadways. Ignoring them, or allowing an employee to ignore them, places innocent people at risk of fatality or serious harm. Adhere to federal and state regulations governing your vehicles and drivers.

The experienced Georgia auto accident lawyers of Harris Lowry Manton LLP are committed to holding negligent drivers and their employers accountable. Yet it is our hope that no one else must face the debilitating injuries and pain of a vehicle crash. That is why we offer these tips as a resource for the employers of Georgia. Call us at 404-961-7650 at our Atlanta office, in Savannah at 912-651-9967, or complete our contact form today.


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