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Atlanta medical malpractice lawyers

Atlanta Medical Malpractice Lawyers

Strong advocacy for victims of medical malpractice in Georgia

Doctors, hospitals, and medical practitioners owe you as a patient a duty of reasonable care. Doctors aren’t perfect, but they should know the steps to take to ensure you have the best chance at a healthy life. When you have been hurt by a medical professional, you deserve a firm that will take care of you. Harris Lowry Manton LLP is the Atlanta medical malpractice law firm Georgians trust when they have been injured due to medical negligence. We know what it takes to build and present a successful case in front of a jury and to negotiate strong settlements.

The attorneys at Harris Lowry Manton are highly professional and extremely compassionate. They truly care about seeking justice for their clients.

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Our Case Results

Medical malpractice - wrongful death


$4,317,494 (2010)
Allen v. Consolidated OB-Gyn, Dekalb Surgical Associates: Kathleen Allen’s daughter, Tanyka Brydson, was admitted to DeKalb Medical Center to give...


$5,000,000 (2008)
Wyckstandt v. Gwinnett Hospital System: On November 21, 2000, Richard and Wendy Wyckstandt had their second son, Austin, at Gwinnett...


$3,500,000 (2005)
Reese v. Micheledes: Plaintiff Donna Reese’s gallbladder was removed on August 12, 2000. Eighteen days later, she returned to the...


Settlement with a hospital for an elderly woman who suffered catastrophic injuries as a result of poor post-surgical care.


What is medical malpractice?

A medical malpractice claim in Georgia means any claim for damages involving the death of or injury to any person by a person authorized to provide medical care, a person that an authorized person supervises, or a “public or private hospital, nursing home, clinic,” or other medical institutions.

Medical malpractice claims include medical, dental, or surgical services including diagnosis, prescription, and treatments.

Sometimes, there is a fine line between what constitutes medical malpractice and what does not, which is why you want to seek the counsel of an experienced attorney as soon as you can after the injury occurs. At Harris Lowry Manton LLP, we work with a network of medical professionals who can explain why your medical provider failed to treat you under acceptable medical standards

Client Testimonial

"He takes it personally; it was good to see I felt like our family, Joel's case, was priority to the firm, first and foremost." - Aimee

Watch our client testimonials

Harris Lowry Manton LLP Partners

What types of medical malpractice claims do you handle in Atlanta?

Medical errors are a leading cause of death in America along with heart disease and cancer. Medical mistakes run the gamut from “never events” (complications that should, under no circumstances, ever happen) to gross negligence to failure to act reasonably.

Our Atlanta medical malpractice lawyers represent patients and families when they suffer injury and harm from:

If you’re suffering after any type of medical procedure or treatment, call us. We’ll explain if you have a claim for medical malpractice.

Atlanta Medical Malpractice Verdicts and Settlements

The Chatham County jury made history when they awarded Joan Simmons, a victim of medical malpractice, an $18 million verdict – the largest medical malpractice ruling in the county's history. The jury found Southcoast Medical Group and its physician liable for failing to diagnose and treat Ms. Simmon's spinal abscess, a catastrophic error that left her permanently paralyzed. 'The jury in this case recognized that Joan Simmons was tragically, catastrophically injured and that she will be a paraplegic the rest of her life as a result of medical malpractice,' said Harris Lowry Manton LLP partner Jeffrey R. Harris.

Read more of our Atlanta Medical Malpractice Verdicts and Settlements


What are examples of medical malpractice in Atlanta?

Our Atlanta medical malpractice lawyers have the experience and resources to show why your medical provider failed you and why they should be held accountable. Common examples of medical negligence include:

  • Leaving a surgical instrument inside a patient;
  • Operating on the wrong patient, or on the wrong body part;
  • Misdiagnosing, or delaying the diagnosis of, an illness or condition such as heart disease or cancer;
  • Failing to treat an illness or condition;
  • Failing to prevent the spread of infections;
  • Failing to monitor a patient post-surgery or treatment;
  • Mixing up lab results or patient charts;
  • Treating a patient while under the influence of drugs or alcohol;
  • Failing to review a patient’s medical history, allergies, etc.;
  • Prescribing an unsafe drug, and failing to warn the patient of the risks;
  • Excessive use of delivery instruments such as forceps or vacuum extractors;
  • Failing to diagnose signs of fetal distress;
  • Allowing nursing home residents to develop bedsores;
  • Failing to keep breathing apparatus clear and clean;
  • Operating on the wrong patient or the wrong body part; and
  • Failing to obtain an informed consent.

What types of medical malpractice injuries do you handle?

At Harris Lowry Manton LLP, we handle patients who have catastrophic injuries. Catastrophic injuries are injuries that change a patient’s life permanently or for a long period. Patients with catastrophic injuries often can’t return to work. They usually live with daily physical and emotional pain.

The specific type of injuries that medical malpractice causes will vary depending on the type of negligence. For example:

  • Many patients live with diseases such as cancer or heart disease that could have been treated with competent medical care but are now incurable.
  • Some patients may be forced to have expensive corrective surgeries and treatments that cause a great amount of anxiety and pain and may not completely cure their injuries.
  • Most patients live with the consequences of incompetent care – daily physical pain and emotional suffering, continual therapy to keep their condition from worsening, and anger that their condition was preventable.

We work with a network of doctors who understand your current medical injuries and diseases, what you can do to improve your health, and how these injuries and diseases affect every part of your life.

How do you fight for medical malpractice victims in Atlanta?

Unlike many other types of personal injury claims, the defendants in medical malpractice cases are more likely to contest your claim because their reputations are on the line. That’s why you need experienced medical malpractice lawyers who have obtained strong recoveries, and who are respected by former clients, insurance companies, and defense lawyers.

At Harris Lowry Manton LLP, our lawyers:

  • Work with medical professionals in the same field of practice as the defendants. These professionals help explain why the medical provider’s acts (or omitted acts) caused your injuries and why the defendants should be held accountable.
  • Question healthcare providers involved in your medical treatments – the defendants and any other people with relevant information
  • Review whether any prior actions have been filed against any of the defendants
  • Examine each step of your medical care from the first time you met with your healthcare providers through the current medical treatments
  • Review what corrective treatments may still be possible
  • Review how the improper medical care continues to affect every aspect of your life

Our Atlanta medical malpractice lawyers have obtained hundreds of millions of dollars in compensation on behalf of our medical malpractice clients in Atlanta and throughout the state. Some of our impressive medical negligence claim successes include:

  • $30.5 million on behalf of a family whose child sustained permanent brain damage due to medical negligence
  • $18 million for a woman rendered paralyzed because of an undiagnosed and untreated infection
  • $5 million for the survivors of a family whose loved one was improperly monitored while in the hospital, leading to the woman’s death
  • $4.3 million for the family of a woman who died after medical diagnosis and treatment was delayed

If you or your loved one sustained serious, life-altering injuries because of an act of medical malpractice, we are here to help you.

Who is liable for medical malpractice in Atlanta?

At Harris Lowry Manton LLP, we file medical malpractice claims against every responsible healthcare provider. In many cases, more than one person or entity is responsible. Defendants may include:

  • Physicians
  • Surgeons
  • Obstetricians
  • Hospitals
  • Medical clinics
  • Nursing homes
  • Pharmacists
  • Anesthesiologists
  • Nurses
  • Medical technicians

Our Atlanta medical malpractice lawyers have the experience and skills to identify every responsible party and hold that party accountable.

How are hospitals rated in Atlanta?

Our personal injury and wrongful death lawyers handle medical malpractice claims against hospitals throughout Georgia. It’s no wonder that there are so many claims. Most hospitals and medical practices can do better. The Leapfrog Group, an independent watchdog group that collects, analyzes, and reviews consumer medical information, has found that most medical facilities need to improve their standard of care.

Of the 81 statewide facilities reviewed by Leapfrog, only 24 earned an “A,” and only 17 earned a “B.” Only one hospital located in Atlanta - Emory St. Joseph’s Hospital – received an A rating.

The following Atlanta facilities were all found sub-par in one of five categories: hospital-acquired infections; problems with surgery; reducing medical errors; safety concerns; and staffing:

  • Emory University Hospital – C
  • Emory University Hospital Midtown – C
  • Grady Memorial Hospital Corporation – C
  • Northside Hospital Atlanta – C

Two of our most substantial medical malpractice verdicts were against Gwinnett Medical Center Lawrenceville and Southcoast Medical Group.

What is the statute of limitations for medical malpractice claims in Georgia?

The Georgia statute of limitations for a medical malpractice claim is generally two (2) years from the date that the injury or death occurred. Some exceptions may apply for minor children or people with intellectual or mental disabilities. No medical malpractice claims can be brought after five (5) years from the date of the negligent or wrongful acts or omissions.

The Georgia statute of limitations if a “foreign object” is left inside a patient is one year “after the negligent or wrongful act or omission is discovered.” We recommend that you contact us as soon as possible.

How much is my medical malpractice claim worth in Atlanta?

There are two types of damages available in a medical malpractice case:

  • Economic damages. These are quantifiable expenses. We seek compensation for all past and future medical expenses (hospitalizations, surgeries, doctor visits, rehabilitative care, medications, etc.), loss wages/income, lost earning capacity, and lost benefits.
  • Non-economic damages.These are the parts of your claim (often, the largest parts) that don’t have specific expenses but do affect every day of your life. Georgia defines noneconomic damages as:

Damages for physical and emotional pain, discomfort, anxiety, hardship, distress, suffering, inconvenience, physical impairment, mental anguish, disfigurement, loss of enjoyment of life, loss of society and companionship, loss of consortium, injury to reputation, and all other nonpecuniary losses of any kind or nature.

  • Punitive damages. Our Atlanta medical malpractice lawyers also seek punitive damages against healthcare providers for willful misconduct, fraud, and malice. Georgia caps punitive damages at $250,000. No limits may apply in some cases, such as if your doctor operated while intoxicated.

If your loved one died due to medical malpractice, your claim may include:

  • Funeral and burial expenses
  • The value of the services your loved one would have performed had the medical malpractice not occurred
  • The wages, income, and benefits your loved one would have provided the family had he/she survived
  • The full value of your loved one’s life as determined by a jury

Can I afford an Atlanta medical malpractice lawyer?

Yes, you can. Harris Lowry Manton LLP represents medical malpractice victims on a contingency fee basis. This means that our Atlanta medical malpractice lawyers only receive compensation if your case settles (with your approval) or there is a jury verdict in your favor.

Do you have an Atlanta medical malpractice lawyer near me?

We meet medical malpractice clients at our Atlanta office located in Brookhaven at 1418 Dresden Dr. NE, Suite 250. We consult with patients and families by phone and through video conferences. We can also meet clients who are too ill to visit our office at their home or a healthcare facility.

We’ll answer all your questions and guide you through each step of the claims process.

Secure a Free Consultation with Our Accomplished Atlanta Medical Malpractice Lawyers Now

Harris Lowry Manton LLP is an award-winning medical malpractice firm serving clients in Atlanta and throughout Georgia. We know what it takes to build a successful compensation claim, and we do not back down from the fight. If you or your loved one was severely injured or died because of medical negligence, HLM is ready to help you seek justice. To schedule a free consultation, please fill out our contact form or call our office.

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Our Atlanta Medical Malpractice Law Office

1418 Dresden Dr NE
Suite 250
Brookhaven, Georgia 30319


Our Case Results

Medical malpractice - wrongful death


$4,317,494 (2010)
Allen v. Consolidated OB-Gyn, Dekalb Surgical Associates: Kathleen Allen’s daughter, Tanyka Brydson, was admitted to DeKalb Medical Center to give...


$5,000,000 (2008)
Wyckstandt v. Gwinnett Hospital System: On November 21, 2000, Richard and Wendy Wyckstandt had their second son, Austin, at Gwinnett...


$3,500,000 (2005)
Reese v. Micheledes: Plaintiff Donna Reese’s gallbladder was removed on August 12, 2000. Eighteen days later, she returned to the...


Settlement with a hospital for an elderly woman who suffered catastrophic injuries as a result of poor post-surgical care.


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