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How Accident Reconstruction Helps Prove Your Case

Accident reconstruction combines principles of physics, engineering, and forensic science to produce a comprehensive understanding of a motor vehicle accident. It is used by law enforcement, insurance companies, legal professionals, and safety organizations to determine liability, improve road safety, and prevent future accidents. What is accident reconstruction? Accident reconstruction is a scientific process used to…

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Why Are So Many Georgia Mothers Dying?

Examining maternal mortality provides valuable insights into a nation’s health. The care provided to pregnant mothers is a cultural thermometer where we can read signals of systemic issues, including inadequate healthcare quality on behalf of medical professionals. When one of these tragedies occurs, it is a horrible moment for families and shines a critical light…

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January Saw a LOT of Vehicle Recalls

As attorneys with some of the most substantial auto defect verdicts and settlements in Georgia’s history, any story about defective car parts is interesting to us. However, the sheer number of stories and press releases about vehicle defects we’ve seen this yearis disconcerting. According to a January 16, 2024 article in USA Today, the following…

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Defective CVA Paramount Long-Range Muzzleloaders Can Explode, Causing Injury

Connecticut Valley Arms, better known as CVA, recently ceased production on its Paramount long-range rifles because of supply issues for Blackhorn 209 powder. The powder, however, should be the least of CVA’s concerns. Harris Lowry Manton LLP is currently representing clients whose CVA Paramount muzzleloaders have exploded, causing serious injury and harm. If you or…

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Life2000 Ventilators Have a Potentially Deadly, Known Defect

Ventilators are supposed to help patients by increasing their oxygen intake, but Life2000 ventilators can do the exact opposite. Harris Lowry Manton LLP is representing clients who suffered harm from oxygen desaturation caused by defective Life2000 ventilators. These dangerous medical devices can cause fatalities, and we urge you to see medical advice immediately if you…

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A High Percentage of Pedestrians Die at Night

Walking on a dark street creates a high level of risk, no matter where you are.  Many cities, including many areas of Savannah, have worked to incorporate strategies to improve safety for pedestrians. Yet, there is evidence that shows that pedestrians continue to be at a high risk of dying just by going for a…

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How a Savannah Wrongful Death Lawyer Investigates Your Case

Investigating a wrongful death case requires a meticulous and systematic approach. As Savannah personal injury attorneys, our goal is to uncover evidence that establishes negligence, liability, and the extent of damages to best seek compensation on your loved one’s behalf. A well-conducted investigation serves several purposes: Establishing liability. Proving negligence or wrongful actions is essential…

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Hair Relaxers Linked to Cancer and Serious Health Concerns

Black women who use hair relaxers or straighteners are more likely to be diagnosed with cancer and other serious health concerns. An analysis conducted by the Environmental Working Group found that ingredients in hair relaxers and straighteners are highly hazardous and are often marketed to Black women. A study led by the National Institutes of…

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