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What NOT to Do After an Accident with an 18-Wheeler

What NOT to Do After an Accident with an 18-Wheeler  Collisions with 18-wheelers are an unfortunately common occurrence, and when they happen, the aftermath can be catastrophic. Accidents involving these enormous vehicles are more likely than other accidents to end in severe injury, totaled cars, and even death.

After a collision with an 18-wheeler in Savannah, knowing the proper steps to take and actions to avoid can significantly impact the trajectory of their cases. Read on to learn what not to do after an accident with a commercial truck.

Admitting fault

In the aftermath of a devastating collision with a semi-truck, emotions are likely running high, yet decisions made in the heat of the moment can have lasting consequences. One of the most critical mistakes one can make at this stage is claiming any degree of fault. It’s a natural human instinct to express remorse or take responsibility for perceived errors, but doing so in the context of an accident can be costly. Remember that anything you do or say after an accident may be remembered and referenced later, potentially impacting any claims you eventually file.

Ignoring medical attention

After an accident with an 18-wheeler, the adrenaline surge can mask injuries, leading some individuals to dismiss the immediate need for medical attention. However, the decision to forego medical examination of injuries, no matter how minor, is a significant gamble with long-term ramifications. Some injuries may not exhibit immediate symptoms but can gradually intensify over time, making prompt treatment a significant priority. Beyond personal health considerations, insurance companies may view a lax approach to medical treatment as evidence that you were not seriously injured, which can threaten the validity of your claim.

Failing to gather information

Failing to gather the information of those involved in the big-rig collision can drastically impede the entire claims process, so it is imperative not to forget the basics. Obtain the truck driver’s details, including their name, contact information, and license plate number. Equally crucial is gathering the insurance information of all parties involved. These pieces of information lay the foundation for subsequent legal and insurance proceedings. As a side note, it can also be helpful to gather contact information of any witnesses who may be able to corroborate your version of events.

Delaying reporting to Savannah law enforcement

The urgency to promptly report an 18-wheeler accident cannot be overstated. Delaying the reporting of the accident to Savannah law enforcement introduces an element of uncertainty into the resolution process, potentially compromising the accuracy of the subsequent investigation and the strength of your legal and insurance claims. Timely reporting ensures that the scene is accurately assessed, contributing to establishing a clear narrative regarding fault and liability.

Not documenting the scene

Without visual evidence, such as photographs of the location, vehicle damage, skid marks, or injuries, your case may face heightened challenges. Memories fade, and the sequence of events can become muddled over time. In the absence of clear documentation, the reliability of your account may be called into question. If you can, capture as much photo or video evidence as possible, or have someone else do this for you. These visual records are a tangible representation of the incident, providing a factual basis for investigations and a buffer against disputes that may arise during the claims process.

Discussing the accident on social media

In the age of instant communication, the impulse to share every aspect of our lives on social media is a deeply ingrained habit for many. However, exercising restraint on these platforms becomes paramount when it comes to the aftermath of any car accident. Discussing your Savannah truck accident on social media can inadvertently jeopardize your case, turning what might seem like innocent life updates into potential ammunition for opposing parties. To safeguard your rights and interests through the claims process, keeping details of the accident private until the matter has been resolved is prudent.

Giving recorded statements to insurance companies

After semi-truck accidents, insurance companies often seek recorded statements from those involved. While the intention may seem straightforward, the consequences of providing such statements without legal guidance can create major setbacks later. When claimants provide recorded statements, the information shared can be used in various ways to protect the insurance company’s interests. They may use your statements to downplay the severity of injuries or circumstances surrounding the incident, which could reduce the compensation to which you are entitled.

Ignoring legal assistance

The intricate legal landscape surrounding 18-wheeler accidents demands a level of skill that only a seasoned Savannah truck accident attorney can provide. First and foremost, an attorney experienced in 18-wheeler accident cases understands the nuances of this area of law, including regulations specific to the trucking industry. This knowledge is invaluable in building a robust case and navigating through each stage of the complex claims process. Ignoring legal assistance means facing this legal maze unprepared, leaving you vulnerable to various pitfalls and challenges.

Moreover, an attorney protects against aggressive tactics from insurance companies and opposing parties. They are adept at negotiating on your behalf and ensuring that your rights are protected at every turn. Without legal representation, you risk being disadvantaged during negotiations, potentially impacting the compensation you receive for medical expenses, property damage, and pain and suffering.

If you or a loved one has experienced the traumatic event of an 18-wheeler collision, don’t attempt to face this legal battle alone. Our experienced accident attorneys are ready to take on your case and help you secure the compensation you deserve. With offices in Savannah and Atlanta, our firm proudly serves accident victims across Georgia, offering personalized legal expertise and dedicated advocacy to those seeking justice. Contact us today by calling our offices or filling out our contact form.

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