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Defective CVA Paramount Long-Range Muzzleloaders Can Explode, Causing Injury

Connecticut Valley Arms, better known as CVA, recently ceased production on its Paramount long-range rifles because of supply issues for Blackhorn 209 powder. The powder, however, should be the least of CVA’s concerns. Harris Lowry Manton LLP is currently representing clients whose CVA Paramount muzzleloaders have exploded, causing serious injury and harm. If you or…

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Life2000 Ventilators Have a Potentially Deadly, Known Defect

Ventilators are supposed to help patients by increasing their oxygen intake, but Life2000 ventilators can do the exact opposite. Harris Lowry Manton LLP is representing clients who suffered harm from oxygen desaturation caused by defective Life2000 ventilators. These dangerous medical devices can cause fatalities, and we urge you to see medical advice immediately if you…

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Your Legal Options When a Drunk Driver Causes a Fatal Accident

Drunk driving puts every person on the road at risk. Unfortunately, some people suffer fatalities from a drunk driving accident. If your family member died because of a collision caused by a drunk driver, we encourage you to immediately seek out legal support and guidance from our experienced team. At Harris Lowry Manton, we have…

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A High Percentage of Pedestrians Die at Night

Walking on a dark street creates a high level of risk, no matter where you are.  Many cities, including many areas of Savannah, have worked to incorporate strategies to improve safety for pedestrians. Yet, there is evidence that shows that pedestrians continue to be at a high risk of dying just by going for a…

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Long-Term Consequences of Brain Injuries to Children

Brain injuries in children are a deeply concerning issue, with potential lifelong consequences to the child that extend far beyond the initial incident. Childhood brain injuries can result from various causes, including accidents, falls, sports injuries, and car accidents. A child’s developing brain is particularly vulnerable, making them more susceptible to long-term consequences than adults.…

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How a Savannah Wrongful Death Lawyer Investigates Your Case

Investigating a wrongful death case requires a meticulous and systematic approach. As Savannah personal injury attorneys, our goal is to uncover evidence that establishes negligence, liability, and the extent of damages to best seek compensation on your loved one’s behalf. A well-conducted investigation serves several purposes: Establishing liability. Proving negligence or wrongful actions is essential…

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It’s Never “Just” a Concussion: mTBI Can Shorten Your Life

We often underestimate the impact of seemingly minor incidents for individuals across all ages and demographics. However, recent research has shed light on a concerning reality: mild traumatic brain injuries (mTBI), often brushed off as “mere” concussions, can have far-reaching consequences. One study has revealed that mTBIs can potentially shorten lives, challenging our understanding of…

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The Impact of Distracted Driving in Atlanta Truck Accidents

Distracted driving has become a concerning issue on roads across the United States, contributing to a significant number of accidents each year. Trucking accidents in Georgia, caused by distracted driving, can be particularly severe given the size and weight of commercial trucks. Distracted driving involves any activity that diverts a driver’s attention away from the…

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What Is Pedal Confusion?

In today’s world of busy highways and roadways, the risks of accidents are ever-present. Among the many causes of traffic incidents, an often overlooked but significant factor is “pedal confusion.” Pedal confusion occurs when a driver unintentionally presses the wrong pedal, leading to unexpected and sometimes catastrophic consequences. As Savannah personal injury attorneys with experience…

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What You Need to Know about a Spinal Epidural Abscess

A spinal epidural abscess is a dangerous complication from an infection in your central nervous system. Failure to diagnose and treat this condition quickly can have life-altering results, including permanent paralysis. In some cases, these infections can be fatal. Spinal epidural abscesses typically form “between the bones of your spine and the lining membrane of…

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