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A Routine Colonoscopy Can Hurt You

A colonoscopy is one of the most sensitive tests for detecting colon cancer, but it is not without risk. Every medical procedure carries risk, and anyone undergoing a procedure should be given a warning about the potential complications. However, if you make an informed decision and something goes awry, you have not necessarily forfeited your…

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Why Were So Many Veterans Treated with Experimental Hydroxychloroquine?

In early July, news broke about the Southeastern Veterans’ Center in Philadelphia treating veterans with hydroxychloroquine, a controversial drug used in the treatment of COVID-19. What made this story different, however, is that the veterans being given the drug hadn’t necessarily been tested for coronavirus. The Washington Post reported that “for more than two weeks…

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Flu Misdiagnosis Ends in Tragedy

Every year the World Health Organization and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention launch a national campaign in favor of influenza vaccination. Scientists work on vaccines to help safeguard our health as best they can, despite knowing how unpredictable influenza can be. Despite the type of flu virus, symptoms typically present with aches, fever, chills,…

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Preeclampsia vs. Eclampsia – What You Need to Know

Preeclampsia and eclampsia can be life-threatening conditions affecting pregnant women and new mothers. Preeclampsia generally involves swelling, the development of high blood pressure, or high protein levels in the urine any time after the 20th week of pregnancy. Eclampsia is a severe complication of preeclampsia, leading to seizures during or after pregnancy. Both of these…

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Time is of the Essence in Georgia Birth Injury Claims

Although most babies in Georgia and across the United States are delivered without problems, in some situations birth injuries can occur. If it happens to you and your family, you understand the emotional and financial devastation this brings. Birth injuries may cause a lifetime of medical issues that can cost thousands of dollars a month…

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