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When a Breech Birth Causes Injuries

In a conventional labor and delivery, the baby is born head first. However, some babies settle into what’s called the “breech” position, where the feet and/or buttocks are set up to enter the birth canal first. A breech birth is considered high-risk, as the baby has a greater potential to become wedged or stuck in…

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Update: Military Medical Malpractice Claims Are Still Unprocessed

As a coastal state, Georgia is home to 13 military bases crossing all branches of service. Many Georgia citizens have honorably served our country and been active community members, business owners, law enforcement officers, teachers, and unfortunately, victims. Military personnel have not only fought to protect our country, but also must fight to protect a…

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Why Is There a Car in My Living Room?

You never really think about it until it happens to you. You’re sitting there enjoying a quiet evening at home and then, out of nowhere, chaos strikes. There’s a loud crash and suddenly part of your home appears to have become part of a movie stunt, only the car crashing through your wall wasn’t part…

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Deadly Plane Crash in Gainesville, GA Prompts Investigation

Late on a Friday evening earlier this year, a single-engine plane crashed in Gainesville, Georgia, killing all three people inside. The pilot and passengers were on their way to Daytona Beach, Florida. Authorities were alerted to the crash when a passerby called 911 regarding debris in the road and nearby woods. No other people were…

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Amazon Continues to Evade Liability for Dangerous Products

In the ongoing liability battle that varies from state-to-state as to whether Amazon owes any duty to protect its customers, a federal judge in Illinois ruled that the retail giant won’t be held responsible for injuries caused by defective products sold on the website. This doesn’t look like it’s going to be a well settled…

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Dangerous Gender Reveal Parties Can End in Injury

Anticipating the arrival of a baby is an exciting time. While some parents-to-be still opt to be surprised at the sex of the baby, others have jumped on the bandwagon of gender reveal parties. These gatherings to announce and celebrate that you’re expecting a boy or girl have grown in popularity to the point where…

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Is Your Microwave Hurting Your Child?

There have been many stories over the years about the dangers of microwaves. You’ve probably heard allegations that microwaves cause cancer or that they can interrupt a pacemaker if you stand too close to them while they’re running. Both myths have been debunked many times over, but there’s one not-so-new danger that’s very real. Microwaves…

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All Commercial Trucks Are Not Created Equal

How many times have you driven past an accident between a smaller vehicle and a larger vehicle and thought about whether you would be better protected if you were driving something bigger? It’s a common thought when you start to look around and notice how many vehicles on the road — from pickup trucks to…

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Stunt Work Can End in Injury on Movie Sets

Georgia has increasingly become a hub for television and film production. With that infusion into the state’s economy comes all the perks and downfalls of the entertainment industry. One of those downfalls is actors and production members being put at risk for getting hurt while working on set or on location. Stunt performers are an…

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A Drug Mix-up Creates Urgency in Prescription Recall

With so much information at our fingertips these days, it’s much easier to inform ourselves of anything potentially dangerous. With the frequency that medications are thrown at us for everything from a hangnail to heart trouble, it is wise to investigate the drugs that doctors prescribe. It is even more important when the medicine you…

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Flying Cargo from Truck Spills Can Cause Injuries

How many times have you been driving down the road behind a commercial truck and gotten a sudden chill up your spine just thinking about what could happen if they spilled their load? It is a reality for many vehicles traveling alongside these behemoths delivering goods and raw materials all over the country. Many of…

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As We Lose Our Rural Hospitals, the Costs of Air Ambulances Skyrocket

In October, Southwest Georgia Regional Medical Center in Cuthbert became the eighth rural hospital in Georgia to shut down in the past ten years. As rural hospitals in Georgia and across the country shutter, air ambulances have become much more important to patients in remote areas with urgent medical needs. Air ambulances reach areas ground…

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A Mother’s Tragic Warning About Boats & Carbon Monoxide

The state of Georgia and its many parks offer a variety of waterways and lakes for boating and other recreational activities. However, boating can be dangerous and cause serious accidents and injuries. Although most people don’t think about carbon monoxide poisoning as a boating risk, an Oklahoma mother is sounding the alarm after losing her…

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Research Shows Drug-Resistant Bacteria May Spread Easily in Hospitals

A recently published study shows that a better understanding of the relationship between patients and drug-resistant bacteria is crucial to preventing the spread of infection within hospitals. With a more detailed knowledge of the extent to which certain bacteria can spread, medical facilities can take better care to protect patients from life-threatening diseases. The research,…

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The Takata Defective Product Scandal Continues

It is likely safe to say we all remember the Takata Corporation, the company behind the largest product safety recall in history. More than two dozen people lost their lives due to Takata’s defective airbags, with hundreds more suffering serious injuries. The company declared bankruptcy in 2018, selling the majority of its assets to Joyson…

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Signs of Nursing Home Abuse in Georgia Facilities

It is hard to admit when you cannot take care of an elderly or disabled member of the family. With work schedules and all of the other demands of life, you realize you’re just not equipped to provide the level of care that’s needed. Once you’ve made the tough decision to seek out a nursing…

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Georgia Nurses File Lawsuit Alleging Fraud

When you work in healthcare there are certain principles that should be a given. One of them is that your job is to do what’s best for your patient. That could mean anything from ensuring he or she receives proper information to make decisions about his or her care to offering the best options for…

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Explosion at Atlanta Chemical Plant Leads to Massive Fire

Just after 4:00 pm, a chemical plant West Point Avenue in Atlanta caught fire. By 5:00 pm the plant was engulfed in flames, send clouds of smoke into the air, and leading the brush nearby to catch fire as well. The plant, which is owner by Alchemix, manufactures a highly flammable material called nitrocellulose. Brad…

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The Best States for Healthcare – How Does Georgia Stack Up?

Healthcare is a top priority for most voters. No matter where you stand on healthcare, one thing everyone agrees on is that we want access to healthcare when we need it, and we want that medical care to be safe, professional, and error-free. MoneyRates recently published a study entitled “Best States for Healthcare 2020,” illustrating…

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How Amazon Avoids Accountability in Product Liability Claims

If you have the internet you’ve probably engaged in online shopping. The largest American online retail giant, Amazon, is likely a place you’ve trusted to spend your hard earned money. It’s become almost fashionable to shop with Amazon for everything from groceries to cars, and its streamlined delivery process makes it that much more attractive…

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Distracted Rideshare Drivers Are Causing Injuries

Every month there are approximately 127 million people in the U.S. hailing rides using Uber or Lyft services. These services were created to help riders in numerous situations. They help curb drunk driving, they allow people to avoid crowded parking, and they’ve become a convenience many users can no longer imagine getting by without. Safely…

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